Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Ultimate Bucket List—The Mighty 5

Winter is over. You hate to say goodbye to the fresh powder but it's time to move on to the next adventure. The only question—where? Well my friends, your bucket list will never be complete until The Mighty 5 are crossed off of it. In fact, when it is all said and done, The Mighty 5 will dwarf anything else you felt you "had" to do. 

The Mighty 5 is an epic journey through some of the most iconic national parks known to man: Canyonlands National Park, Arches National Park, Capital Reef National Park, Bryce Canyon National Park, and Zion National Park—a personal favorite of mine. Hiking up the narrows and climbing to the unreal views of Angels Landing (see the proof below) is an experience second to none.

If you are in for a real challenge you can hit all five parks in 10 days—who needs work, right? The adventure would begin in Salt Lake City and immediately take you to the awe inspiring views of Arches National Park, which includes everything from the Fiery Furnace to the Delicate Arch. Next you are taken to  Canyonlands National Park where you get to experience the largest national park in Utah. Day three takes you to Monument Valley to enjoy amazing stargazing and spectacular views left behind by the San Juan River. Next stop, Capital Reef National Park—home of the Waterpocket fold. On day five you head west to Bryce National Park to experience a "series of natural amphitheaters sunk into pink cliffs and filled with delicate red rock 'hoodoos.'" But wait, there's more... On the sixth day of this epic journey you finally make your way to Zion National Park to enjoy awe-inspiring views of never ending cliff walls and endless canyoneering adventures. On your final day (say it ain't so) you finish experiencing as much of Zion as possible and head back to Salt Lake City wishing the trip never had to end. 

This will truly be the adventure of a lifetime. Don't let it pass you by. And of course, if you can't dedicate a whole week (or even 10 days if you're lucky), you can always just visit one or two of The Big Five. Even a little adventure is better than none. 

Friday, May 7, 2010

Watch this at 3 pm today

Watch this at 3 pm today to see my father-in-law expertize about George Washington on the Glenn Beck show (it can sometimes take a while to load).

Watch live video from joebow_ratted on